Scottish Widows Complaint: PO-14071
This site is now obsolete, as it deals only with the case against Scottish Widows. It was abandoned once it became clear that The Pensions Ombudsman was refusing to investigate, instead illegally forcing a pragmatic solutionin evident collusion with Scottish Widows. Please see my Personal Pension Fiasco for up-to-date details of both cases. |
This page contains a complete categorised list of documents. Everything relevant to the case is listed here in the form of printable PDFs paginated for A4 paper. They include the entire and unedited§ text of correspondence with Scottish Widows, and with other parties (mainly TPAS and TPO). §With the sole exception that my National Insurance Number has been hidden for security reasons. Their content is graphical in the case of scans (postal items, verification documents), otherwise textual. The textual content is derived either from emails, or from documents mirroring web pages; in each case, the PDF target preserves any hyperlinks in the source email or document.
The first column of each table gives the filename of the document (without .pdf extension), with a hyperlink for download. The number of pages and file size are shown on mouse over. Any date prefix is that on which I sent or received the document. The description is only intended to be sufficient to help identification; the Event Summary page gives fuller descriptions and backgrounds to the documents it references.
Links open in one of up to four additional windows (or tabs) in the categories corresponding to the four sections on this page: General; Correspondence (Scottish Widows); Verification; Correspondence (Other). You can leave each window open and click more links in that category to add more documents to it; you can then navigate through the documents added to that window using the browser left/right arrows. Using this facility, you can create a selection of documents in each category for review. NB: This does not work in the current version of Microsoft Edge, as the new document replaces rather than adds to the existing window contents. If you close the window, a fresh one will be created next time.
Website Pages (these mirror the eight main HTML documents of this website):
Overview | Case Summary and Overview. |
Verification | Issues with Scottish Widows' verification requirements. |
Events | Summary lists of events with links, in two chronological sequences. |
Chronology | Detailed chronology of correspondence with Scottish Widows (only). |
Epilogue | Summary and Analysis of case issues, and a Satisfactory Resolution. |
Questions | Introduction and exact list of questions sent to Scottish Widows. |
Outcome | [To be completed when the case is resolved]. |
Documents | Complete list of PDF documents (this page). |
Correspondence (Scottish Widows)
This gives individual documents that correspond to those given on the Detailed Chronology page of the website. Paper documents not directly relevant to this case are excluded. The web page includes these peripheral documents (as images only), and supports popup images for more rapid navigation than opening PDF documents.
In each case, the date given is that which appears on the document; however, the list is in chronological order of the date on which I sent or received them. This order is not always the same as that of the document dates. For example, the rejection of my documents dated 14 April arrived well over two months later on 16 June; and whilst the first postal request for documents was sent over a week earlier than this on 06 April, it was not received until 06 July.
Those documents I consider crucial to the case I have described in bold. The originator of each document is given as follows:
ICM | Ian Clive McInnes |
SW | Scottish Widows |
20160315EncashmentEnquiry | 15 Mar 2016 | ICM | Fax to enquire on pension encashment. |
20160318EncashmentInfo | 18 Mar 2016 | SW | Email Response to fax enquiry. |
20160405DocRequirements | 05 Apr 2016 | SW | Content of Information Requested email, specifying verification requirements. |
Individual Identification and Verification Form | 05 Apr 2016 | SW | Email attachment, with further requirements, and specifying verification options for Name and Address. |
20160411EmailDocuments | 11 Apr 2016 | ICM | Email with 8 attached document scans (see following section), with clear and detailed explanation of my circumstances. |
20160521FollowUp | 21 May 2016 | ICM | Email follow up, sent after I had received neither reply nor payment. |
20160616ConfirmationP56879Q | 05 Apr 2016 | SW | Confirmation of interview for P56879Q. |
20160616ReplyEmail0414 | 14 Apr 2016 | SW | Postal reply to my email of 11 April, rejecting my documents. |
20160626IDRP-Query | 26 Jun 2016 | ICM | Email request for Scottish Widows IDRP. |
20160627WotsAnIDRP | 27 Jun 2016 | SW | First Email response to above (as a password-protected PDF), denying knowledge of the term IDRP. |
20160630RequestPostDocs | 30 Jun 2016 | SW | Second email response to above (also as a password-protected PDF), requesting me to send the (now acceptable) documents. |
20160706ConfirmationN80803X | 05 Apr 2016 | SW | Confirmation of interview for N80803X. |
20160706cReqDocsN80803X | 06 Apr 2016 | SW | The first of four requests for documents received on 06 July. |
20160706dReqDocsP56879Q | 06 Apr 2016 | SW | The second of four requests for documents. |
20160706eReqDocsP56879Q | 24 May 2016 | SW | The third of four requests for documents. |
20160706fReqDocsN80803X | 01 Jun 2016 | SW | The last of four requests for documents, this time with a different letter and form. |
20160710EmailComplaint | 10 Jul 2016 | ICM | (Interim) email complaint to Scottish Widows, outlining my main concerns. |
20160713ComplaintResponse | 13 Jul 2016 | SW | Response to the above email, offering only discussion by telephone. |
20160717WebsiteRef | 17 Jul 2016 | ICM | My reply, rejecting telephone discussion and containing a link to my website. |
20160801ReplyEmail0710 | 01 Aug 2016 | SW | Email in response to my interim complaint, offering to accept a scan of my certified ID card (alone) as verification. |
20160804ClaimClosed0616 | 16 Jun 2016 | SW | Letter terminating my application. |
20160804SendDocs0630 | 30 Jun 2016 | SW | Paper version of the document I received by email on 01 July, unclosing my application. |
20160915FollowUp0822 | 22 Aug 2016 | SW | Follow-up letter to the email of 01 August. |
20160915Final0824 | 24 Aug 2016 | SW | Final Response. |
20160929QuestionsForSW | 29 Sep 2016 | ICM | Request for answers to my list of questions. |
20160929OutOfOffice | 29 Sep 2016 | SW | Out of Officenotification from above. |
20161010ReqDocs0526 | 26 May 2016 | SW | Request for documents #6. |
20161010ComplaintInfo0715 | 15 Jul 2016 | SW | Complaint information. |
20161123ReplyVoicemails | 23 Nov 2016 | ICM | Email sent to Scottish Widows in response to their voicemails, at the suggestion of TPO. |
This section contains the exact 8 PDF documents I sent as attachments to my email of 11 April. They include scans of both the original and certified documents. I included original documents in addition, since the certified photocopies were unclear in many places.
OriginalID | Original ID card (front and back), showing all details clearly. |
OriginalBankStatement | Original bank statement. |
OriginalBirthCertificate | Original birth certificate. |
CertifiedID | Certified ID card (as with all photocopies of it, not too clear). |
CertifiedBankStatement | Certified bank statement. |
CertifiedBirthCertificateFront | Certified copy of the front of my birth certificate. |
CertifiedBirthCertificateBack | Certified copy of the back of my birth certificate. |
Notario | Business card of the notario público. |
Correspondence (Other)
This is my remaining correspondence (mainly with The Pensions Advisory Service and The Pensions Ombudsman).
20160706TPASInfo | Helpful response to my online application. |
20160717ToTPAS | Email to TPAS, mentioning my complaint to SW and my website. |
20160718FromTPAS | Reply to above (they work with documents, and could not help with evidence of identity issues). |
20160724ToTPAS | Reply to TPAS, providing link to my newly-created document list. |
20160819FromTPAS1 | Notification that my application is to be passed to another advisor. |
20160819FromTPAS2 | Another acknowledgement, giving my case number. |
20160828ToTPO | Enquiry to TPO, not knowing what they would need to proceed. |
20160830FromTPO | Reply from CM, stating that they need a Final Response from SW. |
20160908FromTPAS | Initial email from my TPAS caseworker. |
20160911ToTPAS | My reply to the above, setting out my position more fully. |
20160918ToTPAS | Update to state that I had received Scottish Widows' Final Response, and had prepared a list of questions to put to Scottish Widows. |
20160923FromTPAS | Email from TPAS, offering to pursue SW's use of post. |
20160924ApplTPO | Application Form with Covering Letter. |
20160925ToTPAS | Reply to TPAS, stating that I had mad an application to TPO. |
20160926FromTPAS | Reply from TPAS, closing my case as I had approached TPO. |
20160929ToTPO | Follow up to my application to TPO (that they had just received), stating that I had sent a list of questions to Scottish Widows. |
20160930FromTPO | Acknowledgement from TPO (from an Investigation Assistant). |
20161004FromTPO | A further acknowledgement (from Assistant Adjudicator CM). |
20161030ToTPO | Email to TPO, asking whether I should chase up on the list of questions I sent to Scottish Widows a month ago. |
20161031FromTPO | Reply from CM, suggesting that I wait another month. |
20161110ToTPO | Email to TPO, reporting the telephone calls from Scottish Widows. |
20161123FromTPO | Reply from CM, suggesting that if I did not want to return their calls, I should email them requesting a written response. |
20161123ToTPO | Notification to TPO that I had sent the above email to SW. |
20161202FromTPO1 | Email from TPO advising me of email encryption. |
20161202FromTPO2-Wrapper 20161202FromTPO2-Content |
Email with password-protected PDF requesting me to resend the link in my email of 23 November, as their system denied access to it. |
20161203ToTPO-Wrapper 20161203ToTPO |
Email to TPO sent by the secure service with a PDF document both as a link and as an attachment. |
20161204ToTPO | Follow up to the above, using the normal service. |
20161212FromTPO | Acknowledgement of my emails of 03/04 December. |
20170118FromTPO1 | Request from another department for Customer Survey participation, stating that my case had been closed. |
20170118FromTPO2 | Correction, but only to say that they had sent the wrong form. |
20170118ToTPO | Response to the above, reflecting my concern. |
20170120FromTPO | Apology from CM for error (survey was sent to the wrong people). |
20170215FromTPO | Another request for Customer Survey participation. |
20170405ToTPO | Email I sent after having received nothing further on my case. |
20170407FromTPO | Reply from CM to say that my email had been forwarded to the Senior Adjudicator BB handling my case. |
20170429WixtedEnquiry | Enquiry sent to Wixted & Co solicitors (no response received). |
20170514ToTPO | Email I sent after again having heard nothing further. |
20170515FromTPO | Initial email from BB (now Deputy Casework Manager). |
20170517ToTPO | My response to the above. |
20170520ToAF | Online report sent to Action Fraud (contents of Other Details box). |
20170522FromAF NFRC170501858997 |
Acknowledgement (email with attached PDF), although it is not clear whether they will be able to investigate. |
20170522FromTPO | Another, more informative, response from BB. |
20170524ToTPO | My reply, stating that I had reported my case to Action Fraud. |
20170526FromTPO | Response, stating that he would be in touch when he had been able to review the website. |
20170610ToTPO 20170610ToTPO2 |
Replacement of email originally enclosing a ZIP file of most of my website, which was rejected by their delivery system. The second was intended to send several loose files to complete the website. |
20170613FromTPO | Indication that denial of access to my website was long term. |
20170614ToTPO | Acknowledgement of his willingness to use another connection. |
20170615FromTPO | Note to say that he would review my website early next week. |
20170712ToTPO | Again nothing heard, so another chase up, this time blunter. |
20170714FromTPO | Response denying skullduggery, but with no new information. |