"El Refugio" - Location

"El Refugio" is located by the village of Chaparaco, in the municipality of Zamora in the state of Michoacán in west-central Mexico. Also nearby are the town of Jacona to the west, and the village of La Planta to the south. Although close to major population areas, the area is rural in nature with pleasant countryside around. It is thus ideal for those wanting to live in the country yet with full services and the amenities of developed areas close by.

Zamora Area

Zamora is a small city almost exactly intermediate between Guadalajara to the northwest, and Morelia to the east. The area around Zamora is mainly agricultural, particularly noted for its high-quality strawberries. The region is a valley at an elevation of about 1600m surrounded by mountains, and unlike many parts of Mexico, benefits from plentiful water all year.

There is a considerable amount of new development in Zamora; however, this is all taking at the other side of the city, to the north. It therefore appears that this area will retain its rural atmosphere.


Local Area

"El Refugio" is a former quinta (weekend retreat) located at the edge of the village of Chaparaco, only 2 miles from the city of Zamora, and also close to the town of Jacona. It occupies over 100 meters along an irrigation canal.

The Zamora area is located in west-central Mexico in a mountain valley. The area is largely agricultural and benefits from plenty of water to grop crops such as strawberries and tomatoes. The climate is comfortable year round with cool nights and low humidity and rainfall, except for the rainy season during the summer months. Year round, a comfortable indoor temperature is maintained without the need for heating or air conditioning.

The city centre of Zamora is easily reached by car or a regular bus service. The central bus station is on the way to Zamora and thus even closer; from here there are buses to numerous other cities. Chaparaco is also located on the highway, from which Morelia, Guadalajara and other cities can easily be reached.
The town of Jacona neighbouring Zamora is also close by, and both places are part of the stunning view from the property over the canal.

The location of "El Refugio" gives easy access to both countryside and the city. Along the canal may be had pleasant walking to the village of La Planta and beyond, and the local mountain "La Beata", apart from being one of the views from the property, is within easy reach and has an excellent trail to the top. To the south just before the village of Tangancicuaro, is the beautiful Lake Camecuaro recreation area, with its clear turqoise water and numerous Montezuma cypress trees.

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How to get there

Referring to the above map, navigate to the North end of the blue line at the end of the main street (where there is a monument). Follow the blue line to the entrance of the property (turning left before the farm, and past white security gates).